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Debate Leader School

Debate Leader School

Since year 2016, the Latvian Debate Association "QUO Tu doma?" has been inviting students and teachers to participate in the project "Debate Leader School". Each year more than 20 schools from all around Latvia are chosen for the project. During the project students and teachers acquire such debate skills as argumentation, public speech, critical thinking, media literacy, introduction to economics and politics and much more.

Debate Leader School

Since year 2016, the Latvian Debate Association "QUO Tu doma?" has been inviting students and teachers to participate in the project "Debate Leader School". Each year more than 20 schools from all around Latvia are chosen for the project. During the project students and teachers acquire such debate skills as argumentation, public speech, critical thinking, media literacy, introduction to economics and politics and much more.

Debate Leader School

Since year 2016, the Latvian Debate Association "QUO Tu doma?" has been inviting students and teachers to participate in the project "Debate Leader School". Each year more than 20 schools from all around Latvia are chosen for the project. During the project students and teachers acquire such debate skills as argumentation, public speech, critical thinking, media literacy, introduction to economics and politics and much more.

How can I participate?

Application for the project opens at the end of August. At the moment fourth year of the project has started - "Debate Leader School 2019/2020". All lectures are in English language. Participants meet once a month (in projects, which were organised from 2016 until 2019) and once in two months in this year's project. Students aged from 15 until 19 years are invited to participate in the project. Each school is represented by 2 students and 1 teacher. If you are interested to participate in the project, follow our social media and/or get in touch with us. 

How can I participate?

Application for the project opens at the end of August. At the moment fourth year of the project has started - "Debate Leader School 2019/2020". All lectures are in English language. Participants meet once a month (in projects, which were organised from 2016 until 2019) and once in two months in this year's project. Students aged from 15 until 19 years are invited to participate in the project. Each school is represented by 2 students and 1 teacher. If you are interested to participate in the project, follow our social media and/or get in touch with us. 

How can I participate?

Application for the project opens at the end of August. At the moment fourth year of the project has started - "Debate Leader School 2019/2020". All lectures are in English language. Participants meet once a month (in projects, which were organised from 2016 until 2019) and once in two months in this year's project. Students aged from 15 until 19 years are invited to participate in the project. Each school is represented by 2 students and 1 teacher. If you are interested to participate in the project, follow our social media and/or get in touch with us. 

How can I participate?

Application for the project opens at the end of August. At the moment fourth year of the project has started - "Debate Leader School 2019/2020". All lectures are in English language. Participants meet once a month (in projects, which were organised from 2016 until 2019) and once in two months in this year's project. Students aged from 15 until 19 years are invited to participate in the project. Each school is represented by 2 students and 1 teacher. If you are interested to participate in the project, follow our social media and/or get in touch with us. 

How can I participate?

Application for the project opens at the end of August. At the moment fourth year of the project has started - "Debate Leader School 2019/2020". All lectures are in English language. Participants meet once a month (in projects, which were organised from 2016 until 2019) and once in two months in this year's project. Students aged from 15 until 19 years are invited to participate in the project. Each school is represented by 2 students and 1 teacher. If you are interested to participate in the project, follow our social media and/or get in touch with us. 

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